
Monthly Archives: May 2014

The Rocker review ‘Do Tell’

Thanks to ‘The Rocker’ for the following review of our new album:

And we’re finishing off the day with the welcome arrival of the new album from Hat Fitz and Cara Robinson.
And it’s another good one.  They would both do well as solo performers, but the combination of things that should not work, does just that.  They’re still, basically, a blues duo, but there is more emphasis on ballads this time, something that suits the vocals perfectly.
With some sensitively arranged on a couple of numbers – namely ‘Do Tell’ and ‘Stray Hat’ – helping to turn them into album highlights, it’s a direction they think about for the next offering.  But even when it’s just them, on the likes of ‘Friday Night’ and ‘Sister Sister’, it makes for an engrossing display of roots music.  Highly recommended.
Mr. H.

By |2014-05-29T22:13:06+00:00May 29th, 2014|Do Tell|0 Comments

Acoustic Magazine review

Acoustic Magazine just reviewed our new CD!
“Now with slide playing genius Jeff Lang at the board, they might just have hit pay dirt. Cara Robinson has always had a stunning voice, but when its finally unleashed in its full seductive glory on the soulful ‘Friday Night’ and ‘Gotta Love’, it’s goddebumps time. As for Hat, well his slide playing is nothing short of world class..”
Available from Manhaton, iTunes, Amazon and more!


By |2014-05-13T13:05:21+00:00May 13th, 2014|Do Tell, Press|0 Comments


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