
Monthly Archives: July 2015

Cara’s Blog


Well Folks,
It’s 12 degrees here and I’m sitting in me Jim Jams singing out to our record player which has the pleasure of playing Shirley Brown. There is nothing like warming up our ears to a good piece of quality vinyl for the morning to begin in the right fashion. We are very lucky where we live that we have such good friends that bring a hot pot and their instruments for a play to keep the old creative juices flowing. We were also invited to our dear folks on the hill where the only reception you get out there is the sound of live musical instruments and the wild life and this was all on the one weekend. So with the seasons a changing and the kooties* flowing freely of course happily being back with the snot pickers* it’s inevitable that we’ll catch something.

Already it has been a great year and it’s not near the end yet for our music. With the help of our great team and of course you wonderful supporters who have been so dedicated in your following; some of you traveling over seas to come and see a show! We thank you as without your strong belief in our music we would not have stretched the length of ourselves yet instead we have made it as far a field as Canada, France, Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, Ireland and all over the UK.

So the plan so far is that we are home in Australia with our minds set on writing for the new album to be released early next year. We already have some great shows and festivals set up in Australia, one being a newish territory for us up North QLD towards Cairns, Cooktown and Gove with the intent of reaching and making new fans. So staying put in Australia, playing live and writing the new album. The latest dates are here.

So with lots in the pot for next year already we are planning to share our music with further shores. Norway and Denmark and France are on the cards, Canada and USA also and not forgetting foreever faithful UK. And we intend to visit with our new album in tow!

See you shortly and please do keep in contact as we sign off with Shirley Brown’s “Woman to Woman” play out of “So Glad to have you” below.

Cheers and Slainte Folks
Hat & Cara

* germs
* kids

By |2016-04-14T17:37:41+00:00July 31st, 2015|Cara's Blog|0 Comments

Australia Live!


2nd August International Blues Day Queen Street Mall (Main Stage) Brisbane Australia 12 -2.30pm
7th August
  Black Mountain Unplugged QLD Australia

8th August  Black Mountain Unplugged QLD Australia
9th August Blues at The Lounge, Cairns QLD Australia
21st August Arnhem Club, Gove QLD Australia
22nd August Arnhem Club, Gove QLD Australia
29th August Beard Bonanza Rick’s Garage, Palmwoods, QLD Australia

4th October Rock This Country Blue Music Festival, Kuranda QLD Australia


By |2016-04-14T17:37:41+00:00July 27th, 2015|Live|1 Comment


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